Athlete Matters

Athlete Matters News & Events

Monday, 26 October 2015

Sunday 11th October saw Duncan and Tim delivering two workshops for the British Triathlon Coach CPD day at Edge Hill University.  

The morning session led by Duncan covered ‘run technique: faults and corrections’, which included many areas of running such as; gait analysis, biomechanics and the effect of running injuries.  The running analysis methods taught helped the club coaches highlight possible areas for improvement of running form and reduce risk of injuries in their athletes.

In the afternoon, Tim ran a seminar on the ‘Science behind a bike fit’, which discussed the key components related to physiology and the biomechanics of cycling. The coaches were also shown the 3D Retül motion-capture bike fitting system and how it can deliver highly accurate and comprehensive data to guide optimal performance, efficiency, injury prevention, and comfort on the bike.

If you would like Tim or Duncan to come and talk to your team or club on topics such as injury prevention, running technique or bike fitting, then please contact the team at

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Manchester Area XC League Sponsors

Athlete Matters are proud to support the Manchester Area Cross Country League for the 2015-16 season.Check out their fantastic new website
Quote your race number to receive a 10% discount on Physiotherapy and Sports Massage appointments at Athlete Matters clinics in Worsley, Cheadle or Preston
Information on all our clinics can be found at
Contact us at for more details

Wishing you an enjoyable cross country season!